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"He who has ears to hear, let him hear." - Matthew 11:15 (NASB 1995)

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Who is going to stand in the gap?
You see, I believe in this season we have been seeing a cleansing of the mouth of the bride. I belie

It's Time for WAR!!
I am a Soldier Tim Rice 11.26.23 North Palm church 2 Tim 2:1-4 NLT 1Timothy,...

Joy conference - Replay 10/14/23-Saturday Night with Georgian Banov
What a powerful time in the Holy Spirit as the leaders allowed God to be God in the midst. Watch as the Lord began to move in pockets all...

Joy conference - Replay 10/14/23-Saturday Afternoon with Wesley Campbell
Wesley Campbell ministers a powerful word about praying the Word of God. Saturday afternoon at the Joy conference hosted by New Day...

Joy conference - Replay 10/14/23-Saturday Morning with Georgian Banov
Georgian Banov ministers a powerful word Saturday Morning at the Joy conference hosted by New Day Community Church

Joy conference - Replay 10/13/23-Friday night with Stacey Campbell
Stacy Campbell ministers a powerful word at the Joy conference hosted by New Day Community Church

Joy Conference-Replay 10/15/23-Sunday Morning with Stacey & Wesley Campbell
Such a Powerful time!! Stacey & Wesley Campbell and Neil & Diane Arnold shared on Sunday morning after the Joy conference that was hosted...

5 Fold Gifts of Jesus
A Great Teaching by Jeremiah Johnson on the gifts and ministry of the 5-fold This is one of THE BEST TEACHINGS I HAVE HEARD on this...

Tomi Arayomi Regional Leaders Meeting-Charleston, SC
Chuck Coward from Entrusted Foundation and Mark & Patricia Estes from North Palm Church invited a small group of local and regional...

God Speaking Through Netflix!
Find out in the latest edition of the Raven's Heart Podcast how God used a backdoor through the Netflix series "Manifest" to show the...

Break Dividing Walls-08/2022
***Click on Youtube Playlist below for all 3 Video Sessions from this conference Prophetic Highlights Amanda Hill: And the Lord said to...

Receiving and Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit - Bill Johnson Sermon | Bethel Church
Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and are you walking in power? As believers, our lives are to be empowered by the Holy...

Command the Foreword | Dutch Sheets
to Read the whole DREAMS that Dutch references you can go HERE

Prophetic Equipping to Steward the New Wine-Stacey Campbell
Prophetic Equipping to Steward the New Wine-Stacey Campbell Stacy shared such incredible revelation and instructions on how to conduct...

School of the ReNEWed MIND-Livestream-07/2023
WELCOME TO THE BGI SCHOOL OF THE RENEWED MIND In this School, Brian Guerin will be deep into the Biblical precedent of the Renewed Mind....

The Secret Place Lifestyle-E-course
Refuel, Revive and Rejuvenate your secret place and intimacy with God! This course is a journey to a consistent prayer life, emphasizing...
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