by Ryan Bruss(Author)

This mini-book was taken from a chapter in my book, "Killing Lazarus: Discover Why The Enemy Is Trying To Take You Out And What You Can Do About It" I have added some bonus practicum for you to immediately begin to discover what your destiny is in God. You have been called by God to accomplish His purposes through your life in your generation. It doesn’t matter what you have been through, what you’re going through now or what you will go through in the future—God has a beautiful plan for your life. Everything is going to work out for you in this life if you learn to simply yield to His heart and His plan for your life. The current circumstances that you are facing—no matter how dire—is not the end of your story. There is so much more that God has for you. There is a call of God on your life that you are destined to fulfill. This simple little book will help guide you into those things that God has called you to accomplish before you go to Heaven. There is an eternal reward that is awaiting all those who faithfully obeyed the call! Ryan Bruss