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Writer's pictureCrystal Keefer

What Does Worship Look Like?

We stayed home from church a few weeks ago since our sweet girl crossed paths with the rona and kicked its butt, by the way. I watched the service online. Well, more like listened online. My goodness what a powerful service at North Palm Church! If you are ever in the area of Charleston, South Carolina, and you are a looking to attend church with some kingdom family, you will find, KINGDOM family.

When I sat with God on the porch earlier that morning, I felt the nudge of Holy Spirit to linger longer, to not do what I had planned but to open up and worship, to stay with Him a bit longer. I had my mind made up prior that I was going to just listen to worship and dive in elsewhere.

I am an artist and love painting, but over the past couple of years I have learned to worship with my paintbrush through creativity. I walked over to my paintings and had in mind to grab one particular unfinished painting, but was lead to another that had been sitting for a long time. As I listened to North Palm Worship, Pastor Mark Estes deliver a powerful word, and Pastor Patricia bring heaven down in the room, I painted and worshiped.

During my time on the porch, I heard “beauty for ashes”. I believe that will be the name of this floral collection that I have been creating s.l.o.w.l.y. but also that all the ashes that have been around you in your life will be rebirthed and turned into something beautiful.

Things that feel dead and look dead will gain new life. The dry places will breathe new life. Grab ahold of that and believe that, even when things feel so desolate, beauty will come out of it. Begin to speak LIFE over every situation.

“…to give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, festive oil instead of mourning, and splendid clothes instead of despair. And they will be called righteous trees, planted by the Lord to glorify him.” - Isaiah‬ ‭61:3‬ ‭

The painting isn’t finished yet, but so much progress from feeling dead, to being resuscitated.

So what does worship look like? Its the parts of your day where you look to the Father and release everything to adore Him. Its using your gifts to glorify Him. Worshiping is turning your heart toward Jesus and making Him greater than everything that could take your attention off him. Its laying it all down at the feet of Jesus and being wild and free. Its saying to Him, Lord, YOU ARE GREATER.

Worship looks like you letting go of it all to give God all the Glory, honor and praise. Here is the thing, worship can look different for each us, but in this season, He is looking for the ones that are willing lay it all down, fully trusting who He is. His presence is the best place to operate from. Its the place where we find strength, refreshment, process emotions, rest in Him and so much more. Are you willing to let go and lean in a little bit more?

Much Love,

Crystal Keefer

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