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RAW FAITH -The Fallout of the Fall - Our Identity In Christ - Part 3

Writer's picture: Shelly McWilliamsShelly McWilliams

Let's take a look at what happened in the fall of mankind.

Genesis 3:6

"When the
woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food, and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable to gain wisdom, she took some and ate it. And she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it."

Notice here that all three parts of Eve were being tempted.

Remember, God is a triune being, and he created us to be a triune being.

And so, he created us with a spirit, a soul (which is our mind, will, and emotions), and a body.

This passage of scripture tells us that she saw that the fruit was good.

In this, her physical body was tempted, and its appetites were stirred because of the tree looking like it was good and pleasing to the eye.

This was something that pleased her as she felt the desire of it looking really good. Thus, her body's nourishment was being tempted. Furthermore, “it was pleasing to the eye,” which appealed to her emotions.

“This is pleasing to me.”

“This is stirring a desire in me.”

It is stated that it was desirable for gaining wisdom. So her emotions persisted in engaging with the idea.

“This is a good thing.”

“This is something that I want.”

As a result, her emotions and mind were thinking about these temptations, leading her to make a choice.

Consequently, she took some and ate it. From this, we can see that the body is enticed by what is good for food. The serpent targeted Eve and he successfully tempted all three aspects of her being. He tempted her, and she succumbed to that temptation.

Let's proceed to understanding what happens when sin enters the world.

It is worth noting that Adam's eyes were not opened until after he—not Eve—ate the fruit.

This point is significant, as it reveals something hidden if we don't pause and consider it. If Eve had eaten from the fruit alone, she may have encountered some trouble, but it would not have introduced sin into the world.

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