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Writer: KBN AdminKBN Admin

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

This is a combination of 3 days’ posts from “Give Him 15 with Dutch Sheets.”

(He has been assigned as an apostolic position to help usher in saving America for something like 30 years now)

LONG read but 100% WORTH IT (or there are video posts):

This post and this dream have some very key ideas for this summer and fall; and we have had many dreams, visions, words and confirmations of things in line with this at JICC and locally.

Jesus we ask for Your insight for how to be praying and aligning with You. For discerning our times and seasons well with You. And for how to carry out Your heart and agenda well in this time.




JUNE 14, 2023

Work While You Celebrate (Part 1)

Yesterday I mentioned that I believe this fall marks a pivotal point in our nation. The war for the soul of America will amp up to new levels. We must be ready for this, and I believe we will. For the remainder of this week, I am going to read and discuss a dream given to Gina Gholston, in February of this year, which relates to this. Here is the first part, taken from her incredible new book, Carry On:

Intercessors Summoned

“I dreamed that thousands of people had been summoned by the Lord to gather in a certain place. I am not sure of the location, but we met in a very large colosseum-type building. The seating was sloped downward, with a stage at the bottom. Thousands of people were in the seats, and on the stage, hundreds were sitting in chairs. I knew the people in the auditorium were intercessors from around the nation, and those on the stage were leaders - of businesses, ministries, churches, denominations, colleges and schools, political leaders, etc.

U.S. Map and Geysers

“As we all took our seats, suddenly, a huge overhead screen appeared. On it was a map of the United States. On the map, geyser-type eruptions began popping up in various cities. The first one was near Lexington, Kentucky; we knew this represented what was happening, at the time, at Asbury College.

“Then the other ‘geysers’ began erupting on the map, spewing out fire, water, and oil. This was all happening in real-time. We were literally watching a move of God as it was quickly spreading throughout the nation. Thunderous applause and celebration broke out in the Colosseum as we watched this happening on the map.

“As the celebration broke out, suddenly, the voice of God resounded. It seemed as though His voice came through a P.A. system; it sounded like loud, deep thunder. We could feel the vibration as it shook the floor beneath us.

“He said, very adamantly, ‘Do NOT become distracted by the movement!’ This brought a collective gasp from the crowd as we all wondered, ‘What does that mean?’

“He continued, ‘Celebrate the movement, YES! But do not become distracted by it! Work while you celebrate!’ He repeated this three or four times. That phrase, ‘Work while you celebrate!’ gripped us deeply. It was like a jolt that readjusted our focus. There was great joy for what was beginning to happen, but at that moment, we were all captured by a sense of urgency. It was then that we realized this was not a ‘normal’ gathering; it was an urgent call to attention.”

Dutch’s Comments

The purpose of this gathering of leaders and intercessors was to release significant instructions and strategies to them. The strategies become much more detailed in the latter part of the dream. In this portion, however, God gave us encouragement and a warning.

We were encouraged as we watched the growing outpouring of Holy Spirit in America. This has begun and will intensify. It was right to rejoice and celebrate this! Then, however, the Lord surprised us with a stern warning: “Do not be distracted by the movement! Celebrate…but work while you celebrate!”

Whether it be in athletics, business, or spiritual efforts, our human nature has a tendency to “let up” when we experience breakthroughs, significant progress, or momentum. Coaches can often be heard warning players after they attain a good lead, “Don’t let up!” Why? Comebacks by the opposition are possible. And also, as the profound and eloquent saying goes, “It ain’t over til it’s over.”

Obviously, America has not yet broken through into a full-blown revival. Until then, we must persevere. And even when revival hits its full stride, there will still be much work to do, including the guarding of what is happening.

The Dream Continues

“The map continued to be seen on the screen, and real-time happenings continued to show on the map. Then, on the stage, two MASSIVE steel cables dropped in front of the leaders seated there. Each cable had a very large steel ring on each end—so, two cables and four rings.

“As soon as the cables hit the stage, four angels appeared and carried the cables out of our location. We then could see the angels—with the cables—on the overhead screen. Two angels carried one cable, each holding a ring in their hands. One angel went north to an anchor that had already been set in place and was attached deep into the ground. The angel placed the ring over the anchor, securing it in place. The other angel took his ring south and secured it to an anchor there. The two angels with the other cable, took their rings east and west, securing them to anchors in those locations.

“Then, on the stage, in front of the leaders, two more cables fell. The four angels returned and did as before, this time taking the cables and securing the rings to anchors located northeast and southwest, northwest and southeast.”

Now, we were looking at the map on the screen through the crisscross of these cables that had been anchored in place. Then the Lord spoke and said, “There is a shaking that is coming, but you must not fear! You must know and be convinced that this nation is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that! Be convinced of that!”

Dutch’s Comments

In this portion of the dream, angels are seen anchoring America with huge cables that extend across the nation - north to south, east to west, northeast to southwest, and southeast to northwest. The cables were connected to previously placed anchors attached deep in the ground. This formed a strong anchoring grid, crisscrossing America.

As we watched this, the Lord delivered yet another warning. Here are His words again: “There is a shaking coming, but you must not fear! You must know and be convinced that this nation is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that! Be convinced of that!”

We will talk more about the anchoring of the nation tomorrow, commenting on another profound statement made by God in the dream. Today, however, I want to comment on the “surrounding” of America. Gina told me that when she heard the word, she was reminded of comments from my brother, Tim Sheets, and Chuck Pierce. Each has had visions of 51 government angels assigned to America. In Chuck’s vision, 4 more angels - ruling angels - were seen. He told me, “The 4 ruling angels were in position, surrounding the U.S. The 51 angels were sent by them to each state; then they were all sent to D.C.”

Tim said, “Three or four years back, I saw one angel for each state capital and one for Washington D.C., all government angels. Then, last year at Thanksgiving, again in December, and two more times in January of this year, I saw these 51 government angels surrounding Washington, D.C., along with four Seraphim. They were using the decrees of the Ekklesia to weave a cocoon around D.C., which they had also done at the state capitals. Our words were being used like thread. I then heard Holy Spirit proclaim one word which I knew was a play on the word ‘reformation.’ He pronounced it ‘re-form-action’!”

These visions are so encouraging and confirm what the Lord spoke in the dream, “America is anchored and surrounded. KNOW that!” I am confident there is a shaking coming, as was also stated in the dream, but we must be confident that our prayers and decrees have been effective. It still works! Regardless of what is implemented by evil forces in their attempt to destroy America, their efforts will fail!

In tomorrow’s portion of the dream, we will hear specific and profound instructions from the Lord regarding our role in His “re-form-action.”

Pray with me:

Father, America’s drift from You has become a chasm. We grieve deeply as we see sin flaunted and celebrated at the White House, though we love and pray for the salvation of every participant. Only the prayers of those standing in the gap, appealing to Your mercy through the blood of Jesus, have preserved our nation. We thank You for Your incredible mercy.

On this Flag Day, we also thank You for this dream, assuring us that America is anchored and surrounded. As we continue to reap the whirlwind of our sins, we also declare our faith that America shall be saved. When the iniquitous cup of the evildoers is full, their hold on the land will be removed. Yet even in this, we pray for their salvation. Your love and mercy are so great!

We will not fear the shaking. We trust You to do what is necessary to save this nation. As unrighteous kingdoms fall, Your Kingdom will stand and expand. Even now, in obedience to Your command, we decree, “Your Kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as in heaven!” Cover the earth with Your glory as the waters cover the seas.

We also commit to persevering, working while we celebrate Your outpourings. We will not let up or lose focus. We will see this process through to its finish, fighting the good fight of faith and laying hold of eternal life. All of this we pray and decree through Christ’s authority, amen.

Our decree:

We decree that America is anchored and surrounded by prayers and angelic activity. She will stand.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

Parts of today’s post were taken from Gina Gholston’s new book Carry On. You can find out more about Gina and this book at

OR on Amazon



JUNE 15, 2023 Work While You Celebrate (Part 2) Yesterday I began relating a dream given to Gina Gholston, from her new book, Carry On. Many of you are ordering it, which I highly recommend. (Her website is a bit overwhelmed. Just keep trying and you’ll get through.) PLEASE read yesterday’s post if you haven’t seen it, in order to have the complete context for today’s and tomorrow’s posts. We ended yesterday’s post at the point in the dream when God said a shaking was coming to America, but also told us not to fear. He assured us that America is “anchored and surrounded” by angels. Here is the next portion of the dream, followed by Gina’s own comments and interpretation: The Dream Continues: “Next, there appeared a manilla folder in the lap of each of the leaders seated on the stage. We opened our folder and found one sheet of paper each. On the paper were listed four instructive bullet points. Across the top of the page was written: COMMAND THE FOREWORD! “When I read those words, I was a bit confused. The phrase was not ‘Command the Forward.’ I understood that a foreword is something written for the beginning of a book. Was He saying that everything was going to be destroyed by this ‘shaking’ He had said was coming and that a ‘new book’ was going to be started for America? “There was a microphone on the stage, and I worked up enough courage to walk up to it and ask, ‘Lord, what does this mean?’ “He answered audibly, speaking to everyone in the coliseum, ‘It’s time to command what was written at the beginning. Command the foreword! Bring this nation back into alignment with that which was written in the beginning—when this land became a nation. This is the purpose for which She was established. Those prophetic decrees were spoken in the beginning in agreement with My intended purposes. Now, I say to you, “COMMAND THE FOREWORD!” Know My purposes! Decree those purposes! Do not back down! Know what I have said and established. Agree and decree in agreement with Me, and your decrees will provoke a shaking that will bring this nation back into alignment with My original “Foreword.”’ Baptism of Fire “In that moment, the place in which we were gathered began to vibrate with what felt like an electrical current. A wind started to blow, and then it was as if fire just dropped down out of the heavens onto every one of us. It wasn’t a natural, flaming fire; it was the fiery presence of the Lord as He entered the building in a visible, tangible demonstration. “When this happened, people began falling onto the floor, overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord. Some fell to their knees and began to weep. Others were running around, lifting their hands with shouts of joy! “The thought that came to my mind in that moment was, ‘This is a true baptism of Fire!’ And no one in the room was exempt from it. No one questioned or debated it. No one was offended by the reactions to it! No one said, ‘We don’t believe in this!’ or ‘This is not how we do it at our church!’ The baptism of fire came with force and everyone received it! Somehow, we all understood that we were being transformed by the Fire of God. The Oil

“After some time, the leaders and all of those in the room were able to sit back down. As we each took our seat, a paint brush and a bucket filled with oil appeared at every person’s feet. The Lord instructed us, ‘Go from here. Carry the Oil and secure the perimeters of your states. Paint the perimeters with the Oil, and it will be secured.’ We knew He was showing us that this, too, will help to secure us when the shaking comes.” Gina’s Comments:“We must settle in our minds the indisputable fact that God has not led America to this point for the purpose of allowing everything He has said and done to crumble and fall…In the dream, He made it clear that He has never forgotten the purposes He has had for America since before she was established. He referred to these purposes as His ‘original foreword.’ Our true history records that an idea and a longing began to stir in the hearts of a group of men and women in England. God placed in them a longing for a homeland where they could be free to live productively and worship Him without restriction. That desire provoked them to leave everything they had known, and with huge steps of faith, set out on a long, arduous journey of discovery. “The journey led them to the eastern shores of what would become one of the greatest nations on earth. Her greatness would not be because the people did everything right - many dark moments have been recorded throughout our history. Her greatness would be because She was established as a nation ‘under God.’ He led those pilgrims to these shores, and upon their landing, they planted a cross on the beach. Then, through them, God prophesied His intentions for the nation’s existence. “On April 29, 1607, Reverend Robert Hunt stood and offered this prayer: ‘We do hereby dedicate this Land and ourselves to reach the people within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations, take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this covenant of dedication remain to all generations as long as the earth remains, and may this land, along with England, be Evangelist to the world. May all who see this cross remember what we have done here, and may those, who come here to inhabit, join us in this covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled. From these very shores, the Gospel shall go forth, not only to this New World, but the entire world.’ “The following Bible passage was then read: ‘All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee. For the Kingdom is the Lord’s, and He ruleth among the nations.’ (Psalm 22:27-28) “While I do not fully understand the symbolism and location of the anchors [mentioned in yesterday’s post] to which the angels secured America in the dream, I am sure the Cross they planted at Cape Henry marks one of them. As Robert Hunt released his prophetic prayer, right then and there, God revealed His purpose for the United States of America. From those words we can conclude, at the very beginning of this nation, God was anchoring her deeply to His prophetic declaration, ‘America shall be saved!’ “Though she has rocked and reeled in the tempest winds of evil agendas - and at times it has seemed she would surely fall - America still stands! She stands because God has purpose for this nation! He has never forgotten nor abandoned His original desires. His plan has not failed. His words have not been altered! “Our nation is once again reeling in the adverse winds being stirred by evil agendas designed to uproot the anchors and destroy the foundation of our Christian heritage…but it will not happen. God has summoned His Ekklesia. He is marking us with a fresh baptism of fire, filling us afresh with His Spirit. A shaking is coming, but He has secured us to the anchor. We must know that and be convinced of it!” Tomorrow, we will look at the instructions in the folder the Lord gave those in the coliseum. They are important. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for raising up America as a voice for the good news of Christ’s Kingdom and redemption. This is undeniable. We are humbled and honored to be part of this plan. And though as a nation we have abandoned this calling, You have not; You intend to revive and re-fire it. We are forever grateful that the restoration and fulfillment of this purpose is not dependent on those who oppose You, but on Holy Spirit and the church. We, the Ekklesia of Christ on earth, say yes to this calling. We say yes to our healing, and yes to whatever is required in order for You to accomplish it. We do not fear this. We are anchored by You and Your purposes, and we are surrounded by heaven’s host. We now do as You instructed and command America’s foreword: • We are a nation under God. • We are in covenant with Yahweh. • As an evangelist nation, we exist to fill the earth with the gospel. • The Liberty Bell, rung on the day of our formal birth, confirms this through the scripture it contains, Leviticus 25:10. • We were birthed by heaven under thousands of appeals. Our decree: We, the Ekklesia of Christ, will command America’s foreword into the airwaves of America, allowing Holy Spirit to reestablish its reality. And we will receive the fresh baptism of fire!

Most of today’s post was taken from Gina Gholston’s new book, Carry On. You can find the dream in Chapter 8, “Anchored in Hope,” pp.115 - 124. ——————— DAY 3 FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023 Work While You Celebrate (Part 3) We have been looking at a dream given to Gina Gholston, from her new book, Carry On. I highly recommend this important book. Also, if you have not yet done so, I suggest you read Wednesday’s and yesterday’s posts, in order to have the complete context for today’s post. In Thursday’s portion of the dream the Lord told us to “command the foreword,” a reference to what was declared over America at our inception. These decrees would provoke the shaking that will bring us back into alignment with His declared purposes. Holy Spirit then released to us a powerful baptism of fire. Here is the next portion of the dream; I’m also including the last paragraph we shared yesterday: Final Portion of the Dream “A paint brush and bucket filled with oil appeared at each person’s feet. The Lord instructed, ‘As you go from here, carry the oil and secure the perimeters of your states. Paint the perimeters with the oil, and they will be secured.’ We knew He was showing us that this, like the cables and anchors, will secure them when the shaking comes. “Then the attention of each of the leaders was drawn back to the piece of paper in our folders. [Mentioned in yesterday’s post.] We looked at and began discussing each of the 4 bullet points. • The first said: ‘Get it anchored! Anchor the nation.’ Beside that point was a red check mark, meaning this had been completed when the angels secured the steel cables to the anchors. • The second point said: ‘Secure the perimeters of all fifty states. Paint the perimeters with the oil!’ This was why we had been given the buckets of oil and paint brushes. • The third bullet point said: ‘Establish an anchor in each state, and connect it to the guide wire.’ We all understood this to mean each state must be anchored and connected to the cables the angels had secured to the anchors on the outer perimeters of the nation. The Lord was now referring to these cables as ‘guide wires.’ • The last point said: ‘Establish a prayer grid in each state.’ We understood this to mean that prayer teams were to be established in each state, a grid of prayer teams listening in prayer and ready to move quickly with assignments the Lord would give. “Throughout the dream, the map remained on the screen, and the geysers (spiritual outpourings) continued to erupt. There were many eruptions—first, in the eastern part of the nation; then, slowly they began springing up throughout the entire nation. Groupings “The Lord then instructed all of us to get into groups, according to the state in which we lived. Each group would be sent back to its state to watch in prayer and carry out assignments regarding the bullet points. Fifty state groups were formed. “Then, four more groups were formed and assigned to regions. These would watch in prayer, facilitating and assisting assignments given to the state groups in their region. “Finally, a group was formed and assigned to the entire nation. These individuals would watch in prayer, assisting in the facilitation of assignments given to the regions and states. “After joining our groups we stood, holding our buckets of oil and paint brushes. We knew our first priority was to get the perimeters ‘painted’ with the oil, and this had to be done quickly. Calendar “Then, on the overhead screen, a calendar was laid over the top of the U.S. map, a one-year calendar showing all the months and days of 2023. September was circled in red ink, then we saw the finger of God tapping this month of September. Upon seeing this, we again felt a rush of urgency, realizing God was showing us there wasn’t a lot of time to get everything done. “There was excitement over the spiritual ‘eruptions’ that had already taken place, but also a deep knowing that this was only a beginning - much had to be established and accomplished. And we knew we were being ‘sent’ by the Lord to do the work.” End of dream. Dutch’s Thoughts As she related the dream, Gina shared some of the thoughts, insights, and “knowings” she experienced when it occurred. She gives more in her book. Other parts of the strategy given by the Lord must be prayed into further and developed carefully. What is symbolic, what is literal? How should the perimeters of the states be “painted” or anointed? The Texas Apostolic Prayer Network, led by Tom Schlueter ( has already been anointing and “branding” the borders of Texas, based on a word from Holy Spirit several months ago. In the past, he and members of his network have literally driven the entire perimeter of Texas, anointing and sealing it with prayer. More than once! I suspect other leaders are already hearing and doing assignments from Holy Spirit similar to those in the dream. How else are states to be “anchored” to the national “cables” and “anchors”? What, if any, gatherings need to occur around the nation to help facilitate the Lord’s instructions? I and other leaders are processing these things and asking Holy Spirit for insight. It seems clear, and Gina in her book seems to agree, that these preparations need to occur/be in place by September. I, of course, will keep GH15 listeners updated. Gina’s Thoughts I want to conclude by reading some final thoughts Gina shares in her book regarding being “anchored” to Christ, the hope of our souls. She begins by quoting from Hebrews: “Hold tightly to the Hope set before us. This hope [this confident assurance] we have as an anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whatever pressure bears upon it] - a safe and steadfast hope.” (Hebrews 6:18-19; AMP) “We are anchored in hope, and that Hope has a name: Jesus! He is the secure and steadfast anchor of our souls! As we place our complete trust in Him, we will follow as He leads, not only securing ourselves to Him as our anchor, but we also become a vessel through which Holy Spirit will work to impact our territories.”(1) Gina then offers an interesting insight about “painting” with the anointing oil of Holy Spirit. “Jesus declared, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed Me’ (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18). As heirs of salvation, when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon us, we receive the same anointing that was upon Jesus, which enabled Him to release the power of God everywhere He went. It is very interesting that the Hebrew word ‘anointed’ in this scripture is mashach, which means ‘to rub with oil, to anoint,’ and it also means ‘to paint.’(2) “Jesus has painted us with the oil of his anointing, which enables us to release decrees, prayers, and acts of obedience to God, with His power and authority. We paint and smear our homes, churches, schools, businesses, regions, territories, states and nations with the oil of His Spirit as He flows through us! In one sense, we become His paintbrush! When we allow Him to work through us, the anointing flows and power is released to paint the atmosphere with the transforming glory of God.(3) “This is the time that we must appeal to heaven, not just to petition for our wants and desires, but for the purpose of hearing God’s desires and instructions for us. Then we can work with Him to fulfill those desires. The days ahead are crucial. We cannot be influenced by what is happening around us; we should be influencing what is happening around us! As we hear the instructions from the Lord and follow those instructions, we will turn the tide of evil.” (4) Pray with me: Father, we thank You for this dream. Though we are disappointed that a shaking must come to our nation to finish the process of reconnecting us to You and Your purposes, we are confident that we can trust You. And Your Word makes it clear that shakings will come, leaving behind only Your standing Kingdom. Give understanding and wisdom to leaders and intercessors around the nation as we implement your instructions. Show us how to “paint” our states, with the anointing of Holy Spirit. Show us how to anchor each one and build the prayer grids. And show us how to connect intercessors and leaders for these purposes. Continue to cleanse our land, so it can be healed and restored. We declare, as You have taught us to, that America exists to preach the gospel of the kingdom to all the world. We exist to proclaim liberty throughout the land. We covenanted to be “under” You, and to be Your evangelist to the world. We decree that this will be fulfilled to Your fullest intent! And we pray these things in the name of Yeshua, amen. Our Decree: We decree that by September of this year, preparations for the Ekklesia to cover and protect our land will be in place. Click on the link below to watch the full video.

Portions of today’s post were taken from Gina Gholston’s new book, Carry On. You can find this portion of the dream in Chapter 8, “Anchored in Hope,” pp.125-127. 1. Gholston, Gina. Carry On: Becoming Faithful Stewards of Our Spiritual Inheritance. Gina Gholston, 2023, p.125. 2. Strong’s #4886 3. Gholston, Gina. Carry On: Becoming Faithful Stewards of Our Spiritual Inheritance. Gina Gholston, 2023, pp. 125-126. 4. Ibid, p.127.


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