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Writer's picture: holyfireminholyfiremin

Concerning your writing and the publishing of books, at different times my son, you have thought: “There are so many books out there, so much knowledge, and so much information. There are so many authors of so many Christian books. Why write another book? Someone has probably already written about it, or someone will eventually write about it.”

But I would have you know, son that there is no end to My revelation. I not only have classrooms in the school of My Spirit, but I also have libraries and libraries. They contain the unending revelation that is in My mind. No one on this earth, if they were to live for thousands of years, would even scratch the surface of the volumes of revelation knowledge that is in My mind.

Admittance into My libraries is only allowed through that secret place called the “Fear of the Lord.” This fear of the Lord is the passageway into the greater depths of My knowledge and greater treasures of My wisdom. The fear of the Lord is that which will unlock these depths and these treasures. The fear of the Lord is what will allow you to draw from the deep wells of My wisdom and My mind. This is another one of My classrooms for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Be not concerned about anyone stealing revelation I give you and use it to their advantage. As you remain in this secret place I will continue to give you revelation that you have not bargained for. Even now it comes faster than you can write it. Have I not told you that this shall be your life’s greatest work?

NOTE: Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord and contain fresh insights and revelation for the time we are in. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. If any of our articles on this blog are a blessing and encouragement to you please use the social media buttons below to share them. Kindly post a review on Amazon if any of our books were a blessing to you.

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