Ecstatic prophecy is a form of prophecy in which the prophet is completely overtaken by the Holy Spirit--body, soul, and spirit--and prophesies almost as an oracle.
In Ecstatic Prophecy, Stacey Campbell, a respected teacher and regular and high-profile recipient of this gift, explains the ins and outs of this remarkable mode of prophecy.
She takes readers through biblical and early church examples of ecstatic prophecy and uncovers the history of its occurrence until modern times.
She also examines how those with this gift can mature in it, avoid deception by testing spirits, and use this method of prophesying to grow closer to God and to reveal Jesus.
This unique book will be compelling to anyone who follows prophetic literature and movements, as well as to those who may be experiencing ecstatic prophecy without understanding it.

About the Author
Stacey Campbell is a prophetic voice to this generation and has a passion to teach believers to know how to hear the voice of God through proper teaching and strong values. She is the founder of the Canadian Prophetic Council, and has helped launch prophetic roundtables in several nations. She serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, presided over by Dr. Cindy Jacobs. She and her husband, Wesley, are founders a mercy organization for children at risk called “Be A Hero.” Stacey is a board member of Iris Global and together her and Wesley serve on the Apostolic Team of HIM (Harvest International Ministries). In addition, they are the authors of five books and the Praying the Bible CD series. They have ministered in over seventy nations, laboring to see people, cities, and nations transformed. The Campbells have five grown children and live in Santa Maria, California, where they are part of the Healing Rooms of the Santa Maria Valley.