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Ecclesia Arise! Jesus is Giving Out Assignments

While worshiping at a conference in October 2022, I had a vision, in which Jesus was walking on a dirt road. My sense was that it was an ancient path, like a road in ancient Israel. He was exuberantly and joyfully calling us — the Ecclesia — to follow Him.

The SOUND of His call was drawing us to joyfully, and with great celebration, follow Him uphill on this ancient path. When we reached the end of this road, I heard the Lord say that we were “on the brink” *, where we could no longer see what was ahead. I then saw myself standing at the base of a massive “peephole”; and through it, I could see the whole earth. From there, we became like bright stars covering the earth. The next day in worship, the Lord took me back to this vision and gave me further detail. I again saw the huge “peephole into the world”, where Jesus was standing, giving out assignments for the New Era. There were some who had dropped out while on the ancient road, before meeting Jesus at the “peephole”. This was the result of an unwillingness to step into this faith journey that was filled with complete unknowns. But there were the others… His faithful, devoted ones… who had pressed forward in following Jesus to this point — to the brink — where they approached Him with arms wide open. Their open arms demonstrated hearts of humility and a complete willingness to step in to the unknowns of their specific assignments for the coming age. Their posture also indicated their complete faith and trust in Him to equip and enable them for victory. As they chose to accept their assignments, they then stepped through the “peephole” at this high precipice, free-falling into a new freedom and into new, adventurous exploits with Jesus. They “fell” into heaven’s uncharted pathway, into their divine callings, into their destinies as mighty victorious warriors of God Almighty… for such a time as this. As God’s sons and daughters “fell” into the sphere of the unknown, full of faith and trust in Him, I saw them connect to one another, like a string of lights crisscrossing across the nations. They were bringing great heavenly light and illumination to the nations. Heaven was invading the earth!


The Lord is giving out new assignments for the New Era, to those who will courageously step forward and accept His call. He is pressing His Church into a greater depth of faith; a faith that operates out of a deep knowing that God is always faithful, that His plans are always exceedingly higher and greater than anything we could ever imagine, and that He always equips and directs those He calls. As His people move more and more fully into complete surrender, humility, faith, and obedience, heavenly doors and pathways will be opened and illuminated, leading to the fulfillment of every Kingdom purpose and plan God had when He created each one. He is calling His Ecclesia to step out into the unknown, joining Him in the ordained assignments He has prepared for these times, where He will lead us from Victory to Victory to Victory.

We were made for such a time as this!


*A few days after receiving this vision, I saw this quote in a prophetic word posted by Lana Vawser (dated 10/6/22): “Many of you are on the brink of the greatest victory that you have ever seen in your life.”

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