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Ecclesia Arise! Consuming Fire to Prepare Army of Light

Word to The Ecclesia:

We are living in a New Era, and The Lord is speaking “Now” words to His Bride, to His Ecclesia.


Sitting at the feet of The Lord, I heard Him say:

Angels have been sent on assignment. They are on the move to counter the works of the devil and his demons. Prayers and declarations of agreement are needed to support this move of the angels. My Ecclesia, My Army of Light, needs to acknowledge, align with, and call on this Angel Army.

I am lighting a fire under many in My Body, to wake them up from their slumber. They need to understand that when this fire comes, it is not the enemy attacking them; rather, it is heaven prodding them and calling them up for duty. Many are ignoring the clarion call, either through disbelief, fear, or apathy. I am sending a fire to purify, to awaken, and to steer. For those who respond, this fire will draw them to fall prostrate before Me in complete awe and submission to My holiness and to My requirement of holiness, in order to be a part of My Army of Light. Fire will be the sign that heaven is on the move.

These are not times to fear or dread. From the fire and the pressure, purified brilliant diamonds will emerge who look like Jesus. The humble desire throughout all of the ages to look and be like Jesus will be fulfilled like never before. The preparation for the coming fire requires a thorough surrender and submission to Holy Spirit conviction, regarding any underlying sin that steals from Me and occupies space that I want to fill.

Now is a time for repentance, cleansing, and purification; so that My holy ones may be found worthy of the call to march in My Army of Light. This “march” will victoriously take back all that has been stolen by the enemy. It will bring a work of purification throughout the earth — a purification of all that has been corrupted and contaminated by the utter darkness and depravity, including the people, the systems, the soil, the land, all of nature — all of creation (1).

The fire is coming. This consuming fire will burn up all that has been shaken, in order to present to Us, The Father and the Son, the purified inheritance of all the earth (2).

Instructions — Declare that the works of heaven are invading the earth with a shout, with a new sound, with a new pitch, that will be heard by all who have ears to hear. These “heavenly noises” will carry with them the power to tear down and to build up. They will carry the instructions and heavenly intel needed to navigate the times on a moment-by-moment basis.

He who has ears, let him hear what I am saying in these times. Holiness is the key to being prepared and to hearing My instructions.


1) Romans 8:21-22 … the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 2) Psalm 2:7-8 The Lord has said to Me, “You are My Son; today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.”

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