This is personal but I wanted to humble myself and ask for your help with our books. I know most won't care but I'm hoping for a positive response from true friends and those who truly know our hearts and lives.
I'm writing too many books too fast. LOL! The burden has peaked to new levels. Something's up. There is such an urgency in my heart that our fast changing world is about to change even more. The Church must quickly wake up. That is the burden shared in the list of books below. The challenge is there's no time for me to promote, market, advertise, etc. each book. My publisher is telling me to slow down, but I can't. LOL! But the Lord knows...
I'd love to do a FB campaign at a grass roots level. So could you intentionally and purposely help me promote our recent books that are still coming off the press at record speed, especially if you are a minister, pastor/church leader, etc., or you have a circle of friends that you could pitch these books to? It would encourage me if churches purchased these books for their leaders and their people, and spent time sharing these truths with them that will prepare them for what is coming.
You could do this by purchasing one or several of our recent books for yourself first and read them. Secondly, kindly posting a review on Amazon helps our books appear on more searches. Thirdly, post and share on FB and other social media outlets.
The most important books I've written are those that came after my extended life-threatening illness in 2020. Some of them have not even been published yet. But humbly I testify, they are from heaven! There is a present-hour, God-breathed word from the Lord in each of them to help believers and churches move with the glory of God in these end days, and prepare for the greatest harvest in the history of mankind.
Here are the books:
1. The Supernatural Church Of Love & Power 2. The Coming Restoration: Character, Doctrine, Power, & Authority 3. The Nature Of The Kingdom Of God 4. Divine Order & The Glory Of The Local Church 5. How To Structure Local Churches For The Operations & Manifestations Of The Holy
Spirit: A 1 Corinthians 14 Exposition
The first two are available now on Amazon. The last three are on the way. THESE WERE ALL BIRTHED FROM VISITATIONS AND PERSONAL WORDS FROM THE LORD. The glory came after my recent sufferings.
At times we all need encouragement, even leaders. Familiarity breeds contempt. Your ministry peers will sometimes be the last to share and rejoice in your successes or help you in your projects. I understand all that cuz I'm guilty of it myself, but if you know a vision, an assignment, or a word is from the Lord for the body of Christ, you should by all means get behind it. Why wouldn’t you share if it’s for the entire body?
God has to touch my heart because I'm not always interested in what others are doing. Partly because I'm occupied with what the Lord has told me to do. But I'm trying to help younger ministers and some older today more than I ever have before. But ultimately, the Lord is our Source and we must all have our hearts and hope always directed toward Him. But it's so encouraging when someone sees and believes in the work you are doing -- when they stand in the place of the love and affirmation of the Heavenly Father and bless and honor the works of your hands. In this case, my writings, especially these last few books.
Yesterday was that day for me! Young fathers need fathers, too. Here is what he wrote to me:
“Bert M. Farias is a glorious manifestation of “the Comforter” to me personally! Let me explain. At 87, I am burdened to share so many insights. Yet I do not know how many days, weeks, months or even years I may have left. And the present condition of God’s Ekklesia falls so far short of the maturity needed to fulfill its purpose in the earth.
“Bert’s writings, including DIVINE ORDER AND THE GLORY OF THE LOCAL CHURCH, convince me that I can go on to glory at any moment. And the teaching of truth will continue to be available to the body of Christ. Hallelujah! Thank you, Bert, for comforting me!
“May you continue to faithfully unfold the abundant truths of God’s plan from creating us male and female to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth with Jesus that He might reign throughout the earth through those born of His Spirit.
“So much of what you write rings of the same truths that fill my heart. While we have never met in the natural realm, we are obviously like father and son in the spiritual realm. Carry on, dear one! In you I am well-pleased.
I love you!”
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